Feminist Criminology. By Claire M. Renzetti (Routledge, 2013, 143pp. £20.99 pb) Gender and Justice : Why Women in the Judiciary Really Matter. By Sally Kenney (Routledge, 2013, 310pp. £26.99 pb) Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice. By Nicola Groves and Terry Thomas (Routledge, 2014, 176pp. £26.99 pb)

por Articles by Walklate, bjc.oxfordjournals.org30 de mayoRecently, I was invited to a meeting, led by a high profile team of consultants, designed to engage myself, and others, in the search for a new Vice Chancellor at my institution. The purpose of this meeting was to try and get feel for what we, as members of the wider institutional community, wanted from a Vice Chancellor. During the course of this meeting, someone observed that, in the interests of ‘gender balance’, it might be in line to consider female candidates for this post. I interjected that for me, the sex or indeed the sexuality of the post holder mattered far less than their skills with people. At this juncture, the reader might well be asking what this anecdote has got to do with the books under review here. Hopefully, all will become clearer as this review unfolds. However, I should say at the outset that the vignette retold above and these three books say much about how far we have, and have not travelled, in understanding the complex conundrum in the relationship between sex, gender and sexuality. So where to begin?…


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