








A document which may be said to belong to the class of Archives is one which was drawn up or used in the course of an administrative or executive transaction (whether public or private) of which itself formed a part; and subsequently preserved in their own custody for their own information by the person or persons responsible for that transaction and their legitimate successors.


Jenkinson, A Manual of Archive Administration, 11.



Can we, faced with these modern accumulations, leave any longer to chance the question what Archives are to be preserved? Can we on the other hand attempt to regulate them without destroying that precious characteristic of impartiality which results . . . from the very fact that their preservation was settled either by pure chance or at least by considerations which did not include the possible requirements of future Historians?


COLECCIÓN TOC. Primera entrada


001 profesora








Curiosa imagen que representa el TOC con un fondo fotográfico y mujer «atractiva» con traje que sostiene con amenazante gesto una clásica bara de castigar en el colegio.

El TOC, la enfermedad, tiene género según esta imagen y, como eva, es una mujer y una bruja mala contemporánea que castiga -según la imagen el TOC es un castigo, no un transtorno-. Los enfermos siempre han tenido tras de si la sombra del castigo divino y en este caso el ángel exterminador que lo lleva a cabo es una mujer.

Así pues volvemos a constumbres bíblicas donde «algo habrá hecho» para tener ese castigo.
